When leasing a commercial space, there are several important criteria to consider in order to ensure a successful lease agreement. These six criteria include location, cost, size, parking, zoning, and the condition of the space

  1. Location: The location of the commercial space is one of the most important factors to consider when leasing. You want to choose a location that is easily accessible to customers and clients, and that has a high level of visibility. Consider factors such as foot traffic, nearby businesses, and public transportation access.
  2. Cost: The cost of leasing a commercial space is another crucial factor to consider. Be sure to have a clear understanding of all costs associated with the lease, including rent, utilities, and any additional fees. It’s important to have a budget in place and stick to it, as well as considering future costs like inflation and property tax increases.
  3. Size: The size of the commercial space is also an important factor to consider. Make sure that the space is large enough to accommodate your business’s needs, including room for storage, employees, and customers.
  4. Parking: Parking is a key consideration for businesses that rely on foot traffic. You will want to choose a space with ample parking for customers, clients and employees.
  5. Zoning: Before signing a lease, it is essential to check the zoning laws of the area. The zoning laws of the area where the commercial space is located will determine what types of businesses are allowed to operate there.
  6. Condition of the Space: Finally, it is important to thoroughly inspect the condition of the commercial space before signing a lease. Make sure that the space is in good condition and that any repairs or renovations needed are addressed before moving in. Consider the condition of the roof, HVAC system, electricity, plumbing, and any other necessary components.

By considering these six criteria when leasing a commercial space, you can ensure that you choose a space that is well-suited to your business’s needs and that will help your business succeed. It’s also important to work with a commercial real estate agent or attorney to review the lease and advise you on the legal and financial implications of the lease agreement.


In conclusion, leasing a commercial space is a significant decision for any business. By considering location, cost, size, parking, zoning, and the condition of the space, you can ensure that you choose a space that is well-suited to your business’s needs and that will help your business succeed. It is also important to work with a commercial real estate agent or attorney to review the lease and advise you on the legal and financial implications of the lease agreement. By following these criteria and seeking professional advice, you can ensure that you make a well-informed decision when leasing a commercial space for your business.


Q: How do I know if commercial space is in a good location?

A: When evaluating a commercial space, consider factors such as foot traffic, nearby businesses, and public transportation access. It’s also important to look at the demographics of the area to ensure that the space is well-suited to your target market.

Q: What is included in the cost of leasing a commercial space?

A: The cost of leasing a commercial space includes rent, utilities, and any additional fees such as maintenance or security costs. It’s important to have a clear understanding of all costs associated with the lease and to factor in future costs like inflation and property tax increases.

Q: What is the minimum size I should look for when leasing a commercial space?

A: The minimum size of a commercial space will depend on the specific needs of your business. Be sure to consider the number of employees, storage space, and customer traffic when determining the minimum size you need.

Q: How can I ensure that commercial space has ample parking?

A: When evaluating a commercial space, pay attention to the parking situation. Look at the number of parking spots available and the accessibility of the parking area. You can also ask the landlord or property manager about parking arrangements.

Q: How do I check the zoning laws of an area before leasing a commercial space?

A: You can check the zoning laws of an area by contacting the local government planning department or zoning board. They will be able to provide information about the types of businesses that are allowed to operate in the area.

Q: What should I look for when inspecting the condition of a commercial space?

A: When inspecting the condition of a commercial space, pay attention to the condition of the roof, HVAC system, electricity, plumbing, and any other necessary components. Make sure that the space is in good condition and that any repairs or renovations needed are addressed before moving in