is a private IPv4 address that is commonly used as the default gateway for many home and small office routers. It is used to access the router’s web-based configuration page, which allows the user to change various settings such as the WiFi password and network name, as well as set up parental controls and other security features.

The “Piso WiFi” brand is a popular WiFi service in the Philippines that provides internet access to users through a network of hotspots located in various public locations. It is likely that the “Piso WiFi” service uses routers with the default gateway of, but it is not uncommon for other brands and types of routers to use this address as well.

The “Pause” function is a feature that allows the user to temporarily disable the WiFi connection for a specific device or for all devices connected to the network. This can be useful for parents who want to limit the amount of time their children spend online, or for anyone who wants to take a break from the internet for a while. The WiFi connection can be resumed by simply clicking the “Resume” button or by waiting for the specified time period to expire.

Advantages and Disadvantages

There are both advantages and disadvantages to using the “Pause” function on a router with a default gateway of or any other type of router.

One advantage of using the “Pause” function is that it allows the user to easily control the amount of time that their devices are connected to the internet. This can be helpful for parents who want to limit the amount of screen time their children have, or for anyone who wants to take a break from the internet for a while. The “Pause” function can be used to set limits on the amount of time that a device is allowed to be connected to the internet, or to temporarily disable the WiFi connection altogether.

One disadvantage of using the “Pause” function is that it can disrupt the internet connection for all devices connected to the network. This can be inconvenient for users who rely on the internet for work or other important tasks. Additionally, the “Pause” function may not work for all types of devices, such as those that use cellular data or other types of internet connections.

Overall, the “Pause” function can be a useful tool for controlling internet usage, but it is important to consider the potential consequences before using it.

Logout Process

To log out of the web-based configuration page for a router with a default gateway of or any other type of router, follow these steps:

  • Open a web browser and enter the default gateway address ( in the address bar.
  • Enter the router’s login credentials (username and password) when prompted. The default login credentials are often listed on a sticker on the bottom or back of the router.
  • Navigate to the logout or sign-out option, which is typically located in the settings or account menu.
  • Click the logout or sign out button to end your session and log out of the router’s web-based configuration page.

Keep in mind that logging out of the router’s configuration page will not disconnect any devices from the WiFi network or disable the WiFi connection. To pause the WiFi connection or disconnect specific devices, you will need to use the appropriate settings within the router’s configuration page.

How to disable the ‘Piso WiFi Pause’ function

To disable the “Piso WiFi Pause” function, you will need to access the web-based configuration page for your router and modify the appropriate settings. Here is a general outline of the steps you can follow to disable the “Pause” function on a router with a default gateway of or any other type of router:

  • Open a web browser and enter the default gateway address ( in the address bar.
  • Enter the router’s login credentials (username and password) when prompted. The default login credentials are often listed on a sticker on the bottom or back of the router.
  • Navigate to the parental controls or WiFi management settings within the router’s configuration page. This may be located in a different location depending on your router’s specific model and manufacturer.
  • Locate the “Pause” function or any other related options and disable them as necessary. This may involve unchecking a box or selecting a different option.

Save your changes and log out of the router’s configuration page.

Keep in mind that the specific steps and menu options may vary depending on your router’s model and manufacturer. If you are unable to find the “Pause” function or are unsure how to disable it, you may want to consult the router’s user manual or contact the manufacturer for assistance.


In conclusion, the “Piso WiFi Pause” function is a feature that allows the user to temporarily disable the WiFi connection for a specific device or for all devices connected to the network. It can be useful for controlling internet usage or taking a break from the internet, but it can also be inconvenient if it disrupts the internet connection for devices that rely on it. To disable the “Pause” function, you will need to access the router’s web-based configuration page and modify the appropriate settings. The specific steps and menu options may vary depending on the router’s model and manufacturer.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the “Piso WiFi Pause” function:

What is the “Piso WiFi Pause” function?

The “Piso WiFi Pause” function is a feature that allows the user to temporarily disable the WiFi connection for a specific device or for all devices connected to the network. It is likely that the “Piso WiFi” brand, a popular WiFi service in the Philippines, uses routers with this function, but it is not uncommon for other brands and types of routers to have a similar feature.

How do I access the “Piso WiFi Pause” function?

To access the “Piso WiFi Pause” function, you will need to access the router’s web-based configuration page. This is typically done by entering the router’s default gateway address ( in a web browser and entering the login credentials when prompted. The “Pause” function may be located in the parental controls or WiFi management settings within the router’s configuration page.

How do I disable the “Piso WiFi Pause” function?

To disable the “Piso WiFi Pause” function, you will need to access the router’s web-based configuration page and modify the appropriate settings. This may involve unchecking a box or selecting a different option. The specific steps and menu options may vary depending on the router’s model and manufacturer.

Can I pause the WiFi connection for only one device?

Yes, many routers allow you to pause the WiFi connection for specific devices by selecting them from a list or by entering their MAC address. This can be useful for controlling internet usage for individual devices.

Will pausing the WiFi connection disconnect devices from the network?

Pausing the WiFi connection will not disconnect devices from the network, but it will prevent them from accessing the internet. The WiFi connection can be resumed by simply clicking the “Resume” button or by waiting for the specified time period to expire.